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Frl. Wunder AG is an nine person performance collective. Since 2004 they have been producing stage formats, performances, and public interventions. As a feminist collective they are always concerned with pressing socio-political issues of our time. The starting point for their works is research into contradictions and utopias in their own lives, in social fields, on biographical traces and with experts from science and everyday life. Their methods of critical ethnographic field research are worked into cultural science and aesthetic practice. They visit slaughterhouses and church archives, talk to behavioral researchers, sexworkers or politicians. They learn laugh yoga, or how to speculate the stock exchange. In these self experiments they acquire knowledge, action and photographic material of social fields. During the rehearsal process these materials are put in relation to motives of popular culture. |
Frl. Wunder experiments with different types of theatre, cooperations with artists, experts of everyday life, and institutions. They stage magic moments of visionary societal models and everyday utopias. They create participatory community and experience rooms, even for those who rarely visit the theatre.
Since 2010 Frl. Wunder AG receives funding by the state of lower-saxony. In 2016 they received a nomination for the Georg-Tabori-Award for the up-and-coming of the Fonds Darstellende Künste.
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ANNE BONFERT Born 1982 in Heidelberg. She enjoys collecting other people’s furniture and fantasizes about being able to improvise on a piano. Studied Cultural science and applied aesthetics in Hildesheim and Bologna. Since 2009 she has worked as a theatre -educator, -manager, -instructor and -assistant professor (Uni Hildesheim/HS Hannover). She is resistance-tested and has a pleasant sounding voice. She was the regional mayor of central Hanover and works as foundation council for the Heinrich Böll foundation in lower-saxony. She is currently working on her doctorate at the University Hildesheim on the political dimensions of contemporary theatre practice. She is currently working on her doctorate at the University Hildesheim on the political dimensions of contemporary theatre practice. |
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CARMEN GRÜNWALD-WAACK Born in 1981 in Gießen. Grows red cabbage on her window sill and designs children’s accessories. Studied theatre, film, and media sciences in Frankfurt (Main) and cultural science and applied aesthetics in Hildesheim. Has worked as a theatre educator at the state theatre in Braunschweig, the Unart competition and theatre “Ojo Morado” in Bolivia. At an instant’s notice, Carmen can access her top-excellent girl-scout skills, but will never become ae a parachuter. She holds lectureships at the University of Hanover and has been a member of Theatertreffen Jugend’s jury since 2007. For Frl. Wunder AG she is the queen of high spirits, legal representative of complex simplicity and expert on hardware. |
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MELANIE HINZ Born 1980 in Kassel, where she has developed an undeniable sense for horses and hits. She studied cultural sciences and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim, where she has worked as scientific staff from 2006 till 2013, focussing on the subject of gender in theatre theory and practice. She has realized countless projects using not only her own body, but the student body or citizens of a town. Ever so often her family questions the honor that lies within her work as a performer. So, she conferred a doctorate on “The theatre of prostitution” (transcript 2014). Since summer of 2015 she works as a professor for “fine and performative arts and cultural work” at the FH Dortmund, where she researches and teaches for the profile studies “theatre as a social art”. For Frl. Wunder AG she’s the queen of manifestos, responsible for adulation and expert on curiosity. |
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VERENA LOBERT Born 1980 in Hagen. She dreams of transforming into a hybrid of cat and bat, yet her biggest dream is to become a shifter. She studied cultural science and applied aesthetic in Hildesheim, and devising theatre at Dartington College of Arts. From 2009 to 2010 she worked as an assistant director at the Munich Kammerspiele and has held lectureships at the University of Hildesheim from 2009-2014. She has worked as a performer in the collectives Turbo Pascal and Pandora Pop in Berlin, Freiburg, and Munich, as a dramaturg with Sylvia Sobottka and a project conductor for the young DT Berlin. When she was 19 she made a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and doesn’t own a car to this day. But a railway card. She is Frl. Wunder AG’s cutting edge discurs queen, talented with interviews and field research and expert on communication. |
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VANESSA LUTZ Born in 1979 in Ijui, Brazil. Recommends Twerking, computer-science knowledge and alternative medicine. She studied cultural science and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim and Birmingham. She has also studied acting and journalism and has strengthened her body in years of ballet training and speaks five languages. Vanessa has realized off-theatre projects since 1997. She worked at the Goethe Institute in Quinto, Ecuador, and as a performer for the Teotro Oficina in São Paolo and the young theatre in Bremen. For Frl. Wunder AG she works as internet queen, lucky bag and expert on physical play. |
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MALTE PFEIFFER Born in 1982 in a romantic small town in Hesse. Believes in deer, communal living and direct action. At some time during his studies of scenic arts and szenografie he realized that there’s two things about theatre, he cares about: Performativity and rad, atmospherical stage concepts. He doesn’t particularly enjoy standing on stage. But he does it anyway in order to cure his need for research trips and breaking down complex processes on color coded cards. It’s difficult for him to focus on one thing at a time, he works as a theatre educator and is co-author of the book “Kursbuch Darstellendes Spiel” (Klett). Since 2012 he has worked on the scientific staff in the work area of theatre education and for performance studies at the University of Hamburg. There he is working on his doctorate on aesthetic field research with youths. He is Frl. Wunder AGs masking queen. object connoisseur and visualization expert. |
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MAIKE TÖDTER Born 1985 in Hamburg. Recommends living by “practice what you preach”, no matter how difficult it gets. She studied scenic art in Hildesheim, where she majored in interdisciplinary formats and performing arts in public spaces. Maike is co founder of the performance collective dummet face and has worked in several off theatre groups (e.g. theatrale subversion), for the Theaterhaus Hildesheim e.V. and as artistic director in Theater für Niedersachsen (theatre for lower saxony) for the event series Nachtbar. She never loses her cool, no matter how absurd the situation- probably because she drinks a lot of tea. Since 2010 she has worked as a freelance project manager, dramaturg, and performer. She and Kaja Jakstat form the office for culture concepts in Hamburg: Zwei Eulen. She is Frl. Wunder AG’s production queen and financing manager and expert on scene culture. |
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MARLEEN WOLTER Born in 1988 in Gießen. Lives for dilettante astronomy and obscure party games. Studied staging the arts and media in Hildesheim and stage author at the academy of arts in Reykjavík. In 2008 she began working as a theatre educator at the school theatre studio in Frankfurt and at the Cinema Jenin in Palestine. She’s been realizing festivals since 2012, such as interventions and performances with the Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften and Performative Philosophie with Euer Ernst. Once she dug a hole that was four meters deep. For Frl. Wunder AG she is comedy queen, responsible for foreign contacts and expert on secondary genitalia. |
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GEORG FLORIAN Freelance performer, director, and dramaturg has worked with collectives such as marks&schleker. Studied scenic art in Hildesheim, where he participated as an actor and performer in several productions. The productions Seperatisten (director: Jan Gehler) and Bodycheck- eine Genderperformance were both invited to Körber Studio Junge Regie in 2006 and 2009. He worked as assistant director at the Stadttheater Bremerhaven where he himself has developed live radio plays and audio walks. With Frl. Wunder AG: Sicherheiten verspielen (2010), Signalkaskaden (2011), Denkfest (2013) |
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MARCEL P. HAHN Certified wood technician and carpenter without borders. Worked as a sailing teacher, mountain bike guide on Gran Canaria, boat, and furniture builder and is a member of several event and party collectives in Flensburg, Berlin, and Hamburg. He is co-founder of the woodshop collective Bauer&Planer and as a freelance coworker on the MS Dockville art camp, the Fusion Festival, and Schweinskopf Festival. With Frl. Wunder AG: Konferenz der Utopisten (2013-14), Go Create Advertence (2013). |
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TATJANA KAUTSCH Freie Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin. Freelance stage and costume designer. After studying costume design in Hanover, she worked at the Studiotheater Hannover, Otto-Falkenberg-Schule Munich and Junges Schauspiel Hannover. Afterwards she studied set design at the academy of fine arts in Stuttgart and the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. Some of her recent projects took place at the Bürgerbühne of Dresden’s Staatsschauspiel and in cooperation with Ramin Anaraki at the theatre in Augsburg. With Frl. Wunder AG: Auf den Spuren von… (2010), Signalkaskaden (2011), Trau keinem über 30 (2012), Losmachen! (2014) |
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VERENA ZU KNYPHAUSEN Studied wood sculpture at the Flensburg University of applied science and studied metal design at Hildesheim University of applied science and art. She works as a freelance designer for objects, stage sets and jewelry in Hamburg. With Fl. Wunder AG: Satisfaction (2008), Power of pussy (2009), Caravan of Love (2010), Ein Bankett für Tiere (2012), Spuren.Suchen.Feiern (2015) |
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MICHAEL KRANIXFELD Studied cultural sciences in Hildesheim and urban design in Hamburg and Utrecht. He is a member of Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften and has co organized a number of student festivals (e.g. transeuropa2012). He spends a lot of time constructing formats for public thinking and organizes discussion programs and conferences. He was a resident researcher at the Tokyo Wonder Site and scholar in the program “shared spaces” at the festival Theaterformen. With Frl. Wunder AG: Ein Bankett für Tiere (2012), Wegefreiheit (2016) |
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CHRISTIAN MEINKE Studied cultural science and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim. As a technician he has worked in several student and off-theatre productions and is co-founder of the off-theatre group dummet face. In the Theaterhaus Hildesheim he worked on the concept of the Schredder series where he worked as a technician. At Hannover Stage Lighting he works as a event engineer. With Frl. Wunder AG: Power of Pussy (2009), Auf den Spuren von … (2010). |
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DOMINIK STEINMANN Freelance set and costume designer. First he became a carpenter, then he studied architecture, interior architecture and scenography at the HGB Basel. Many assistant jobs in the off theatre scene, at the theatre Basel and the Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. Afterwards postgraduate studies of set and costume design at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. Among other theatres he’s been working at Theater Lübeck, Staatstheater, and Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin. With Frl. Wunder AG: Auf den Spuren von… (2010), Signalkaskaden (2011), Trau keinem über 30 (2012). |
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GERNOT WÖLTJEN Cutter, theatre-video artist, and video journalist. Since studying applied cultural sciences he’s worked on numerous film projects, e.g. for the children- and youth office Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Kammerspiele München, Sophiensaele, the DBJR, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. He also works on the concept, implementation, and direction of media education seminars for schools in Berlin. With Frl. Wunder AG: Pimp my Town (2006), Pimp my Neustadt (2007), Satisfaction (2008) und Power of Pussy (2009). |
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SVENJA WOLFF Freelance performer, theatre educator and yoga teacher. Studied cultural science in Hildesheim, as well as gender and performance studies in Bergen, Norway. She’s co-founder of the Theater Kormoran and interested in participative formats for young audiences, and in public spaces. She’s worked on projects with Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel, Theaterfabrik Gera, Landesbühne Sachsen-Anhalt, Theater für Niedersachsen and instituted a message-in-a-bottle-post-office in the Nordstadt of Hildesheim. She also invests herself in physical labour and lives in Leipzig. With Frl. Wunder AG: Losmachen! (2014), Spuren.Suchen.Feiern (2015), Wegefreiheit (2016) CO-OPERATION PARTNERS & FRIENDS: www.freies-theater-hannover.de www.gefaehrliche-liebschaften.de |