Pimp my town
Hildesheim, but better
In MTV’s pimp my ride tradition Frl. Wunder AG floods the streets of Hildesheim as the PIMP MY TOWN-Team and goes on the budgetless mission to find utopias for the city!
The results are art actions that grant the wishes of “7000 acorns for Hildesheim”, “fish on friday” and “dancetour.inn”. With a lot of dedication and improvisational skills Frl. Wunder AG transforms the requirements to what a city should have to offer us, into performative actions and local interventions, whose actual use remains unclear.
BY AND WITHAnne Bonfert, Melanie Hinz, Verena Lobert, Malte Pfeiffer, Carmen Waack, Kathrin Weber-Krüger
FUNDERS Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Jugendarbeit, Studierendenparlament der Universität Hildesheim, Studentenwerk
Braunschweig, Bund deutscher PfadpfinderInnen
SHOWS Raumsauger-Festival Hildesheim, Wunschpavilion des Stadttheaters Hildesheim
CO-PRODUCTION Kunstverein Hildesheim, Stadttheater Hildesheim And tanzsehen-selbertanzen e.V.